Jada Creations - Terrace - Best Solopreneur winner

Jaimie Davis is a multi-talented award-winning artist and business owner from the Gitxsan & Nisga’a Nations, currently residing on Laxyuubm Ts’msyen - traditional Tsimshian territory (Terrace BC). She belongs to the Laxskiik (eagle) Clan, Wilp (house) Sakhumhiigookh and her eagle name is Sagayt Gabuux which translates into “When the wind blows everything sprouts".
Her award-winning business is in the revitalization of her culture through the arts and in sharing a piece of her culture through wearable art. As the sole creative designer behind her business, Jaimie’s art mediums include cedar weaving, design and paint, wood sculpture, jewelry engraving, and specializing in jewelry design. Since launching her online store in 2018, Jaimie has graduated with honors from the 3-year program at the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art (2016-2019) earning the “Lieutenant Governor’s Medal” for outstanding achievement in her art and business studies, followed by receiving Eighth Generation’s “Inspired Natives” award in 2020 and then winning a provincial award, earning the inaugural title of "Best Solopreneur" in 2021with Small Business BC.

Photo courtesy of Skeena Media Productions
Growing up in Terrace BC, I faced a lot of racism to the point that I didn’t realize it was racism. It was accepted and “normal” behavior while my culture was never celebrated. I questioned who I was as a First Nations, Indian, Native, or whatever colonialism labeled us as the following year…But since stepping on this path as an artist, has allowed me to free myself from the colonial construct and to learn my history. I picked up that pencil and started rewriting my own as I reclaimed my identity as an Indigenous woman. Being a single mother, it is my mission to create a space where my son can grow up without ever having to question his identity. I create to keep my culture alive.

The beginning of Jada Creations, 2013

Gathering bark

Lieutenant Governor's Medal

The beginning of Jada Creations, 2013